Security Audits designs are architected and forked based on Liquity project on Ethereum with small changes of smart contract coding. View the Security Audits of Liquity:

Trail of Bits Security Assessment January 2021

Audit by Coinspect March 2021

Liquity Resources

Liquity Official Website:

Liquity Docs.:

BABEL and Liquity contract comparison

BABEL designs are architected and forked based on Liquity protocol. BABEL runs on Binance Mainnet, two systems have different collateral. We modified some system variables for lowering the threshold to allow more users to participate and benefit from BABEL.

In our protocol, LAI works as stablecoin(same as LUSD in Liquity), BABLE has the same functionalities as LQTY in Liquity.

Liquity repo:

Babel repo:

1.Modified _NAME(LUSD Stablecoin -> LAI Stablecoin) and _SYMBOL(LUSD -> LAI) in LUSDToken.sol.

2.Modified _NAME(LQTY -> BABEL) and _SYMBOL(LQTY -> BABEL) in

3.Modified LUSD_GAS_COMPENSATION from 200 to 20 in LiquityBase.sol, lowered preserved amount to 20.

4.Modified MIN_NET_DEBT from 1800 to 180 in LiquityBase.sol, lowered net debt to 180. Borrowers need to maintain their total debt to at least 180 + 20 =200

5.Adjust LQTY allocations


  • Bounty address preserves 200W unlocked amount

  • StabilityPool 3200W rewards depositors and frontends which halved unlocked and release each year.

  • LUSD/ETH LP mining reward pool 133W, released in 6 weeks

  • multisign address preserves 6467W


  • Bounty address preserves 388W unlocked amount, 133W rewards BABEL/BNB LP mining reward pool. 50W for airdrops.

  • Stability Pool 3200W rewards depositors and frontends which halved unlocked and release each year.

  • LAI/BNB LP mining reward pool 133W, released in 6 weeks

  • multisign address preserves 6279W

6.Allows multisign address transfer BABEL to zero address to burn

Last updated